How A College Student Can Achieve Balanced Wellness

An issue that has made waves these days is the importance of personal wellness. But what really is wellness? According to experts from California University, wellness is a process that involves an active awareness of decision-making to fulfill a healthy and worthwhile life. Balance is only achieved when a person is physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. Ultimately, all these are dependent on the everyday choices that he makes.

In this article, we are going to focus on the wellness of the millions of college students around the world who are studying and trying to make a few bucks to earn for themselves. Despite this hectic schedule, they need to strive to have a personal, social, and spiritual life in order to survive. If you are in college right now, you ought to continue and learn much from this read. If you are a parent of a college student, read until the end so you can help your son or daughter achieve personal wellness as a college student.

Physical Wellness

Most people are battling with weight loss, and that includes college students. They are among those who love to snack and munch junk food. During the holidays, they make their New Year’s Resolutions, only to realize the next month that they never even did number one on that list. Thankfully, being physically well does not only focus on our looks but more relevantly how we feel. Here are some suggestions so that college students can achieve physical wellness.

“Understanding the ‘adaptiveness’ of weight can help us come up with different skills and better ways to help ourselves and our patients lose weight and maintain it,” writes Dayna Lee-Baggley Ph.D.

  • Learn to consume organic fruit, vegetables, and meats.
  • When you’re off to school, don’t bring junk food. Bring some healthy snacks like carrot sticks or saltine crackers.
  • Eat fewer foods that are high in sugar and fat.
  • Join your friends when they go biking or jogging. You can also have a gym coach create a program for you to follow even when you’re home.
  • Hydrate regularly.

Mental Wellness

“It is neither an exaggeration nor is it alarmist to claim that there is a mental health crisis today facing America’s college students,” writes Gregg Henriques Ph.D.

We don’t typically spend time knowing more about mental wellness. We think that when we are not mentally balanced, we are about to be diagnosed with a mental illness. But actually, achieving mental wellness means having a happy and positive outlook in life. It means getting rid of negativity and the other unpleasant things that cause stress. Try these tips and find out if your mental health will improve.

  • Contemplate the number of days that you’ve been happy and the number of days that you’ve been sad and frustrated.
  • Engage in at least 20 minutes of activity to keep you lifted.
  • Connect with people who mean most to you – family, friends, and significant others.
  • Keep a journal where you can release your negative energy.
  • Practice pacing and avoid procrastination so as not to increase the bulk of your projects and homework on the same day.

Spiritual Wellness

Being spiritually well encompasses finding purpose and meaning of one’s existence. It includes instilling an appreciation for life and the nature of how things are supposed to be in our universe. It is not only limited to you and I but also about seeking for each of our purposes here on earth, to practice kindness, and to live a good life. Here are some things you can do to improve your spiritual aspect.

  • Spend time to meditate and pray daily. “The exterior expression of that interior transformation extends the intention of transformation outward, with prayer, and most specifically collective prayer, providing, in part and quite literally, the vehicle, to quote Mahatma Gandhi, for ‘[Being] the change [we] wish to see in the world,'” writes Michael J. Formica MS, MA, EdM.
  • Learn to accept the things that are and learn the art of forgiveness.
  • Know right from wrong.
  • Don’t make any assumptions. Rather, try not to judge according to first impressions and give people a chance to show you who they really are.

Social Wellness

When you talk about being socially balanced, it generally involves interaction with others. A person should learn how to create and maintain the important relationships that he builds as he journeys through life. College students mostly have trouble belonging to a group or a community because they think they are different. Here’s how they be socially healthy while still balancing work, school, and other relevant situations.

  • Despite your busy academic schedule, spare one day a week to spend with family and close friends.
  • Occasionally, join study groups and clubs so you have the opportunity to meet and interact with new people.
  • Volunteer in a community event.


Having sufficient knowledge of wellness and being able to maintain balance in all aspects can be likened to entering into a maze. You will be faced with challenges that will push you to make wise decisions that will determine the quality of your life. Learning to achieve balanced wellness is, of course, not a walk in the park. But at least after reading this, hopefully, you have more ideas on how to get there quicker.